Marshall Middle School Counseling

MMS Schedule Change Policy
Schedule Changes
Schedule changes will only be made for students who are in an incorrect class. This could be switching an elective, moving to a different level in an academic class, adding a required class that is missing, or removing a duplicated class. Schedule changes will not be made for students requesting a period change, nor will schedule changes be made for students or parents who are requesting a teacher change.
If a student or parent has specific and current concerns about a particular teacher:
The teacher should be contacted directly by the student and/or parent, the concerns should be discussed and a mutually agreed upon resolution should be attempted.
If a resolution cannot be reached, or the problem continues, the Associate Principal(s) should be contacted: Mrs. Edwards and/or Mrs. Stepner.
If the AP is unable to facilitate a resolution, or the problem continues, the issue will be referred to the Principal.
Elective Changes
Students may request a change to their elective class only during the first week of the school year by submitting a “Course Request Inquiry” form on the MMS website.
A counselor may approve the request if:
There is space available in the desired elective.
The student meets all prerequisites for the class.
The change does not significantly disrupt the student’s current schedule.
All waitlist adjustments will be finalized within the first week of school. No elective changes will be permitted after the first week of the school year.
Teacher Requests
Requests for specific teachers—whether to have or avoid a particular teacher—will not be accepted or considered. This policy is supported by all teachers, counselors, and administrators.
The only exceptions are:
A student (not a sibling or friend) has previously had the teacher and is requesting not to have them again.
A student is assigned the same teacher for two different subjects and wishes to switch one of them.
All teacher change requests under this policy must be submitted within the first week of the school year.